Rabu, 16 Oktober 2019


Thaler TAL Crypto Project Financial Revolution System


The name thaler was used as an abbreviation of Joachimsthaler, a coin type from the town of Joachimsthal in the Kingdom of Bohemia (now the Czech Republic), where there were silver mines and the first such coins were minted in 1518. This original Bohemian thaler carried a lion, from the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Bohemia, on its reverse side.
Etymologically, Thal (modern: Tal) is German for “valley”, and a thaler is a person or a thing “from the valley”. The Czechspelling was tolar; many varieties of the term are used in different languages. In the 1902 spelling reform, the German spelling was changed from Thal and Thaler to Tal and Taler, which however did not affect the English spelling of thaler.
The later Dutch daalders also carried the picture of a lion, which gave them the name leeuwendaalder (“lion thaler”). From an abbreviation of leeuwendaalder come the names of three present-day Balkan currencies, the Romanian and Moldovan Leu and the Bulgarian Lev.
We decided to choose Ethereum blockchain for our amazing project called Thaler(TAL).
Our team motivation is to create the most trusted and low fee token on the market.
Thaler is a bridge creator between our community and large investors.The idea of crypto mass education will lead our token to mass adoption.
Thaler is fully decentralized and by definition the most trustable coin on the market!


The cryptocurrency sector has faced many challenges. This has led some investors to be far from investing in projects related to cryptography, and have brought skepticism into the minds of many investors due to some problems. As investment opportunities in cryptocurrency develop, new difficulties arise with their growth, which leads to confusion and an increase in the level of risk for even a more experienced investor. Unlike traditional markets, where certain predictable and time-tested economic and technical factors help a qualified investor make better decisions, cryptocurrency is still unpredictable. And since there is no reliable entity that guarantees the authenticity of specific decentralized assets, ICOs, Coins and TIF (Tokenized Investment Funds), many scammers, Ponzi and MLMschemes, have appeared.
As a result, most cryptocurrency investors, both qualified and unskilled, are finding it increasingly difficult to distinguish between good and bad cryptocurrencies. This often leads to the fact that legitimate projects lack investors, while fraud, whether explicit or implicit, creates false excitement when collecting large sums of money. Many investors lost their hard-earned life savings due to a lack of awareness, investment trust agent and knowledge of cryptocurrencies. This distraction and funding has been detrimental to trust, projects, people, and innovation.

Trading Toolbox

A new cryptocurrency startup is bringing an advanced and multifunctional tool to the digital financial realm. Thaler Coin is thus introducing a total of instruments to leverage cryptocurrency trading. Through this, the platform hopes to negotiate the volatility of cryptocurrencies on different exchanges better, provide analysis of trending IEOs, and send users notifications as to investment timing.
TAL Tokens are designed to be exchangeable on cryptographic token exchanges. Thaler – Cryptocurrency Exchange Coin gives no warranties that TAL Tokens will be exchangeable on bigger exchanges, but undertakes on maximum effort basis to do everything that is rationally possible and within the powers of Thaler to enable exchanges of TAL Tokens to occur on as many exchanges as possible.
By understand acknowledge that Digital Assets, TAL Token, blockchain technology, Ethereum, Ether and other associated and related technologies are new and untested and outside of Thaler Coin exclusive control and adverse changes in market forces or the technology, broadly construed, may prejudice or halt Thaler Coin performance under these Terms and in such event Thaler Coin will not be responsible for the non-performance.
Thaler Coin Project, the Platform, and the Website are provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. And the Platform will be available 100% of the time to meet your needs.
The Thaler Coin serve as multi-currency user-friendly debit card platform that allows users to, store their currency safely and spend it on everyday activities. They have developed a blockchain based platform where users can use their cryptocurrency easily for everyday activities. Thaler Coin is the solution that addresses this problem. Through payment terminals for merchants, IBAN numbers, and API/SCI functions, Thaler Coin will flawlessly bridge the gap between the cryptocurrency and the traditional financial assembly (and user) in the future of monetary payments. It is a payment platform that offers privacy and security of cryptocurrency to users while preserving the liquidity we normally use with fiat currency, there is a solution that allows users to spend crypto money easily with any small or large merchant or with online payments like cash without the need to handle a large number of wallets (all in one solution).
There are various spooky stories surrounding the number 13… But our team is celebrating them with these incredible investment packages:
Fairy package
50$ invested in Thaler Crypto Foundation IEO — will have double stakes benefit from bounty
Wizard package
100$ invested in Thaler Crypto Foundation IEO — will include a 125% stakes benefit from bounty and you will be automatically registered in the giveaway.
High Priestess package
500$ invested in Thaler Crypto Foundation IEO — will include a 150% stakes benefit from bounty, you will be automatically registered in the giveaway and you can register one project in our Foundation.
Demon Lord package
1000$ invested in Thaler Crypto Foundation IEO — will include a 200% stakes benefit from bounty, you will be automatically registered in the giveaway, you can register one project in our Foundation and you can propose the Charity Cause where we donate 1% from the found raised if we reach the soft cap and 5% if we reach the hard cap.

Thaler Token Information:

Total supply : 350.000.000TAL
Circulating supply :180.000.000TAL
Blockchain : Ethereum
Contract address: 0x375a08ce3a460f20bbafd282be1e3579a2c31f41
Author: Foto lama

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