Senin, 22 Juli 2019


One-Stop Blockchain Investment Solution

What is $F?

$mart Fund is a set of smart contracts and tokens running on the Ethereum. It is based on the Banco protocol, use ETH as reserve.
The fund is open, but it limits the speed of purchase and redemption and keeps the fund’s continued appreciation.

What is the smart investment ecosystem?

The smart investment ecosystem consists of a $mart Fund and a number of DAPP projects invested. It is completely decentralized, using voting, investing in DAPP projects with clear profit model on Ethereum, real-time dividends.


For the majority of investors,
digital currency projects are numerous, how to choose?
Good projects are rare, how to get information and invest at the earliest time?
For the project developer,
though it is a good project, how to raise the project start-up funds?


Since there isn’t solutions without problems, $mart Fund has come to bring to an end the problems with smart investment while proferring a lasting solution through its DAPP, smart contracts and tokens and the block chain technology as a whole.
  • Since projects abound in the crypto space, leaving investors with difficulties in making the right investment decisions, $mart Fund, helps investors with making appropriate and wise decisions on the projects to invest in towards making profits.
  • $mart Fund provides investors with timely and necessary information to help investors with good investment decision making.
  • For aggressive investors, they can enjoy unending incomes through $F stakings and dividends on the platform.
  • For developers, $mart Fund helps developers in fund raising ideas for their projects while also entrusting them with needed information and materials to developing a good project with use case.


Democratic decision
From proposal, voting to investment (withdrawal), the whole process is completely decentralized and spontaneously completed automatically.
Clear profit model
The investment targets are all DAPP based on the Ethereum smart contract, which has a clear profit model.
Real-time dividends
$mart Fund real-time allocation of project income to $FD holders
New rebate
For the new investment project, return $FD of the highest value of 2 times ETH income
Staking and unlock
Staking the position to enjoy the project real-time dividends, vote to participate in investment decisions.
Circulating transferable after unlocking
Automated process management
Purchase limit
Redemption limit
Moderate price change
Invitation priority
Use the $FP to cut the queue and enjoy the preemptive right to purchase. The inviter can enjoy the invitation incentive and the invitee also has a discount.
Risk-free arbitrage chain
Use price difference to cross the market arbitrage, if the arbitrage space disappears, can be withdrawn at any time, no risk


We cannot talk about $mart Fund without talking about its outstanding features and characteristics which makes it different from other projects. These include,
  1. Profit Model: $MART FUND has a clear profit model which is based on Ethereum reserve of all DAPP investments.
  2. Real-Time Dividends: On the $MART FUND. Ecosystem, it offers real time dividends to all $FD holders on the platform. By so doing ensures holders of $FD a steady income on daily basis depending on the number of $FD tokens held.
  3. Staking: Another astonishing feature of the $mart Fund is its Staking feature. This also allows $FD holders to enjoy unlimited revenues from staking their $FD on the platform.
  4. Risk-Free Arbitrage chain: For arbitrage traders, this would definitely interest you. Traders can now use price difference to cross the market’s arbitrage.
  5. Democratic Decision: The whole process proposal, voting, decision making and investment is all decentralized.


Project concept germination stage
Complete technical research, determine the system architecture program
Complete the development of smart contracts and the front pages
The project completed two rounds of testing, launched on the main network, and invested in ETH-based DAPP.
Move the $mart Fund to the public chain such as EOS or TRON, and invest in DAPP on it.
Through the oracle protocol, open up a number of public chains for free circulation, so that the value of the units running on different public chains is equal.
Author: Foto lama

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